Investigation and Development of Architectural Process through the Adaptive Reuse of "Big Box" Architecture.
Through the exploration of adaptive reuse of residual, no longer viable, commercial buildings in economically challenged urban zones develop an over arching guide and process upon which to base future architectural practice, solidifying design principles that have the potential to define specific approaches to architectural strategies and form making. The adaptive reuse of architecture, specifically "big box" architecture, in a form that captures and utilizes natural daylight, artificial light, and inspires the human spirit addresses many key issues prevalent in today’s practice and design discourses. The notions that the proper lighting of space effects its occupants is not new, but one that is very seldom maximized in the built environment that we occupy. In addition, the importance of recycling building products and materials is at a peak in the world today. The building industry is one of the largest contributors to the degradation of our planet. Adaptive reuse of buildings is quite simply the recycling of architecture.
fracture of rigid form
thin outlines of light
natural and artificial
of worlds on a journey
who grin at the day
to the evening breeze
I really like what you have done with the computer and the sketches. One of the things we have to show is hierarchy.For both of us it seems that revealing the progress of our work is subtle importance. Did you do the hand sketches first or was that basically an exploration after you did the computer images?
As a matter of process, I very often skecth ideas when I have them. Sometimes it is at work, sometimes it is while reading about a particular piece of architecture. I do a ton of skecthing when I go to lectures... but anyway, the sketches were first, then the models.
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